Plot Loans,HMDA Plot Loans in Hyderabad, Agriculture & Non Agriculture Land Loans, Industrial Plot Loans in India , Low Interest Rates ,Compare , Eligibility, Best Flexi Tenure

Swastik Plot Loans, Every  Investor is traditionally inclined of Buying own Plot, Nothing is more satisfying than building a dream home like the way you wanted. If  You Found the plot of land where you want to construct your home, or you simply want to Buy a  New plot You can purchase non-agricultural land are Agriculture land According to your requirement.Swastik Loans will Provide service Assistance to get Plot Loans for you any where in India.

Loan Amount :

You can avail Plot Loan from Rs.5 lacs To Rs.20 lacs maximum funding 90% of Market Value
20 lacs and above up to 75 lacs,  80% of Market Value
Above 75 Lacs  75% of Market Value

Age of the Applicant
Educational Qualification
Stability and Continuity of income
Number of dependents in the Family
Co-applicant’s income
Saving habits, and more